A Month of Mapping
This month, thought processes and questions have dominated my work.
Scattered thoughts have been reigned in using mapping and new techniques have been learnt.
I'm finding that each map is an annex of others forming a village, a town, a city, a world, my world, other worlds.
They enable the acknowledgment of ideas and process without yet the need to develop further.
Just tasters of what can be to come.
Deep listening has been employed as a mapping dimension with a handful of sounds to listen to on a new blog page - Deep Listening. More to come.
Working with a scattered mind can be like herding wasps. Trying to track down intense thoughts that manifest as an ephemeral synapse only to disappear if not mapped or added to a list. Everything is at risk of being lost and 'documented' only in my head using a filing system which frankly is unfit for the job. These are some of the joys of my experience of a combination of neuro-diversity and chronic illness, (my swine flu equivalent of Long Covid).