Cross Pollination & the Emergence of New Paths

 Everything becomes one. 

There is a certain kind of satisfaction in the balance of experience when seemingly disparate focuses come together and you realise that they were always travelling along side each other.

While working on a sensory response to place for a different project (The Purple Floor), I became aware of the two paths of The Purple Floor and Rewilding the Artist coming together as one. The process of creating the work became a map of my inner and outer sensory experience. The work was an external expression of my experience / a method of communicating the unseen.

Mapping of my whole journey and aspects of have been a constant theme.

Throughout my R&D, maps and visual plans have evolved however, what is now emerging is a method for Deep Dimensional Mapping or 5D mapping of presence and experience.

Multi dimensional mapping provides a route to mapping beyond the physical and that can be observed (the space in-between or Ma that exists between the physical and the most often unperceived by others). It provides a multisensory window into experience and state whether present past or future path.

This process will feed into my current sensory investigations of warp winding, weaving & self portraiture all informed by Deep Ecology, Deep Listening & Deep Mapping.